Game Of The Week Games, Scores, and Winners

Games Of The Week Games, Scores, and Winners
Week 1: The Addams Family Week 1: Godzilla Premium Week 2: White Water Week 2: Foo Fighters Pro Week 3: Count-Down Week 3: Jurassic Park Pro Week 4: Mousin' Around! Week 4: Avengers Infinity Quest Week 5: Getaway Week 5: Monster Bash
Player Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score
Brett Casey 27,759,880 51,089,740 189,525,720 111,210,920 118,320 14,898,540 3,636,830 20,549,470 52,066,910 5,258,800
Dan Banker 11,356,450 29,379,190 41,785,580 28,211,180 118,240 45,440,100 220,010 6,373,200 17,960,530 3,818,900
David Lupowitz 14,651,270 82,277,090 28,790,000 114,902,140 243,180 33,608,680 1,270,740 13,081,520 12,355,410 14,404,580
Greg Gautreau No Score No Score 8,841,220 30,944,320 342,340 10,320,230 961,580 7,027,780 28,358,530 8,956,140
Jeff Lupowitz 18,033,210 10,075,020 21,035,110 19,172,320 No Score No Score 953,080 23,444,800 23,391,490 3,448,860
Frank Semcer 23,525,450 10,550,980 84,710,890 295,706,220 342,790 34,749,470 No Score No Score 76,226,820 31,425,120
Joe Broccoli 12,770,150 68,641,120 24,215,570 70,923,700 32,440 96,360,730 2,368,870 48,371,080 68,023,020 5,660,760
Koi Morris 143,617,680 33,347,580 136,093,930 10,914,510 168,320 80,772,710 3,281,790 36,470,450 22,806,750 2,275,060
Paul Drabik 38,589,600 450,324,180 494,445,720 244,204,470 282,320 41,663,310 8,720,270 24,065,480 198,869,990 109,449,100
Sanjay Shah No Score No Score No Score No Score 53,290 41,749,500 6,131,460 129,467,450 101,498,410 3,020,690
Steve Zahler No Sacore No Sacore 166,547,570 125,519,410 116,010 575,220,660 4,014,210 228,234,800 No Score No Score
Week 6: Whitewater Week 6: Godzilla Premium Week 7: The Addams Family Week 7: Jurassic Park Pro Week 8: Count-Down Week 8: Avengers Infinity Quest Week 9: Mousin' Around Week 9: Foo Fighters Pro Week 10: Getaway Week 10: JAWS Premium
Player Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score Score
Brett Casey 249,653,950 38,178,900 20,451,200 45,760,850 305,270 37,206,390 1,220,110 161,259,810 18,368,700 46,593,410
Dan Banker 60,336,110 17,860,970 11,993,570 26,975,020 50,320 29,814,310 No Score No Score 26,249,340 19,873,950
David Lupowitz 107,571,880 69,583,110 5,411,200 22,421,880 169,130 28,546,560 1,238,140 67,064,900 No Score No Score
Greg Gautreau 9,720,110 36,423,590 8,833,820 38,865,850 63,590 21,290,950 1,069,560 15,864,020 No Score No Score
Jeff Lupowitz 31,565,440 34,133,810 10,657,290 12,668,180 166,030 14,096,720 1,746,070 10,066,250 No Score No Score
Frank Semcer 24,180,990 24,180,990 71,911,080 55,835,780 222,760 5,011,740 3,714,700 70,900,700 58,690,710 159,011,530
Joe Broccoli 100,287,920 69,055,730 32,299,490 467,272,060 No Score No Score 1,764,790 142,997,270 30,023,920 26,428,300
Koi Morris 221,868,840 84,303,180 129,415,740 42,384,670 84,940 19,994,010 18,110,720 21,624,490 25,108,530 426,593,410
Paul Drabik 101,426,340 226,847,570 No Score No Score 61,000 6,353,530 1,272,550 242,859,670 28,200,500 111,504,440
Sanjay Shah 527,152,080 83,976,400 84,863,890 29,308,590 242,870 59,352,750 4,404,670 90,285,050 62,808,100 202,839,570
Steve Zahler 558,153,930 331,002,320 33,904,660 247,393,650 79,790 89,099,760 2,480,700 115,929,960 96,633,300 941,930,900
The players with the bolded score for a particular weeks game is the winner of the bounty for that week for that game.